WaterTite Plumbing & Water Conditioning, Call 386-943-9297
Here at WaterTite we have the ability to strain out impurities from water sources. And in order to help you understand water conditioning in a household setting we have provided the following information on this subject.
Water Conditioning as it pertains to household use can be broken down in a couple types: Water Softening and Water Purification.
Water Softening is the application of removing Totally Dissolved Solids (TDS) from the water in a process called ion exchange. The ion exchange process filters water through bead-like spherical resin materials called ion-exchange resin. Ions in the water are exchanged for other ions that are fixed to the beads in an exchange. The softeners contain beads that exchange two sodium or potassium ions for every calcium or magnesium ion removed from the “softened” water. The TDS in water causes many problems in a household. They are harmful to your plumbing and appliances, uncomfortable to you skin and hair, and leave a mess wherever water is present.
Water Purification is the next step beyond water softening in a household. It is not necessary to purify your water for an entire household. The reason for this is that purifying water removes chlorine that does serve an important disinfecting purpose throughout the pipes and fixtures in your home. Purified water, however, is highly recommended for drinking and cooking. There are several ways to purify water and the two most common are Carbon Absorption and Reverse Osmosis
Water Conditioning is very important and we here at watertite have quality solutions to help resolve these issues. We are here to help! Need to talk to an expert? Call today 386-943-9297.